organotin / related product

Danfoss solenoid valve

  Post Date: Jan 11,2022
  Expiry Date: Jan 11,2023
  Detailed Description:

Danfoss solenoid valve bodies and electrical coils are normally supplied separately and then combined.They are assembled quickly and simply without tools, providing optimum product flexibility and availibility. If a coil does need to be replaced, it can be done without stopping or draining any system.The solenoid valves are also available as assembled units if required.
Danfoss solenoid valve types:
• For the sake of clarity we have divided the valves into three
main groups. These represent the design and functional
characteristics common to most Danfoss solenoid valves.
Main groups:
1. Danfoss Direct-operated valves
2. Danfoss Servo-operated valves
3. Danfoss Assisted lift servo-operated valves
