
How do paint franchisees open the market with water paint

The environmental storm has attracted the attention of consumers since 2015. The upgrading and transformation of the coating industry has become the top priority for coating companies. In the process of upgrading and transformation, it is both a business opportunity and a crisis. Most coating companies have successively introduced environmental paint——water paint, then paint will join How can a business use water paint to open the market and seize the opportunity?
water paint
Cooperate with related marketing activities of manufacturers
Water paint is an emerging product in the coating industry. It is relatively unfamiliar to most of the coating franchisees, so Coatings franchisees also cooperate to participate in manufacturer-related marketing activities. On the one hand, they can learn about water paint related information and market prospects, and on the other hand, they can introduce a small part of the franchise The water paint tests consumers’ reactions to the product, and then penetrates into the water paint market.
Understand the product characteristics and future development trends of water paint
When a new product is launched, paint franchisees must understand the characteristics, applications and development trends of the product if they want to promote the product well. Therefore, paint franchisees must fully understand the products and future development trends, and make better marketing plans based on the characteristics of the products.
Do local market promotion and carry out marketing activities
Paint franchisees are launched in the form of market promotion and marketing activities. Water paint is introduced into the local market and can be used for outdoor advertising, car body advertising, TV advertising and other promotion. At the same time, marketing activities are carried out in the store. On the one hand, it can enhance the reputation of the franchise store and drive sales. , On the other hand, it can make the product familiar to consumers in the shortest time.
