organotin / related product

Griffonia Seed Extract(5-HTP)

  Post Date: Dec 01,2021
  Expiry Date: May 30,2022
  Detailed Description:

Quantity: 1Kilograms

[Product name] Ghana seed Extract
[Latin name] Griffonia simplicifolia
[Botanical Source] Ghana seed for the grain legume shrub Griffonia simplicifolia plant dry seeds, seeds oblong, about 1.5 cm, 1 cm wide, the seed coat was black, there are wrinkles, endosperm yellow-green, slightly fragrant beans, dried fruit grain weight about 80 grams.
Location: Wild in Africa, Ghana, Ivory Coast and Togo West African States.

[Quality standard]
1.Active Ingredient: 5-Hydroxytryptophan 98%
2.Part used: Seed
3.Appearance: white powder
4.Mesh: 100% pass 80 mesh
5.Odor: Characteristic
6.Loss On Drying: ≤3%
7.Sulphated Ash: ≤1%
8.Heavy metal: 10PPM
9.Residual Solvents: 0.05PPM

[Microbiology standard]
1.Total Plate Count: 1000CFU/gm
2.Yeast&Mold: 100CFU/gm
3.Salmonella: Negative
4.E.Coli: Negative

L-5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is a natural amino acid extracted from the seeds of Griffonia simplicifolia found principally in the West African countries, such as Ghana, Ivory Coast and Togo. 5-HTP is used in alleviating the symptoms of some common syndromes such as anxiety and depression. 5-HTP is also known as a natural relaxant, which helps alleviate insomnia by inducing normal sleep, and treating migraine and headaches. In addition, 5-HTP can be used to control of cravings such as eating disorders. Recently, it is reported that 5-HTP has effects to control the symptom of Parkinsons disease and epilepsy.

[Pharmacological Function]
1.5-HTP is not a synthetic drug, but is extracted from a natural source, the seed of the Griffonia plant, and is therefore not vulnerable to the processing contamination that caused the tryptophan scare in 1989;
2.5-HTP passes into the brain immediately without the difficult wait that tryptophan has, giving a more rapid absorption;
3.5-HTP has been found to exert significant protection against free-radical formation and oxidative damage;
4.5-HTP is estimated to be 25 times more effective for improving brain function than tryptophan;
5.5-HTP improves sleep quality without causing daytime drowsiness;
6.5-HTP has been shown to relieve the pain and suffering for many who suffer with migraine headaches;
7.5-HTP regulates several vital processes in the body, including sleep, emotional stability, pain sensitivity and addictive cravings.

[Package] Double plastic-bag inside, aluminum foil bag paper or fiber drum outside. N.W: 25kg/drum
[Storage] Store in cool and dry place and avoid light and heat.
[Shelf Life] 2 years
