
The Ministry of Emergency Management launched the ministerial-level supervision and inspection of enterprises with major hazard sources of hazardous chemicals

In order to promote the continuous strengthening of the safety risk management and control of major hazard sources of hazardous chemicals in various regions, and to accurately prevent and control major safety risks of hazardous chemicals, the Emergency Management Department has recently dispatched 8 working groups to various places to carry out major hazard sources of hazardous chemicals enterprises. The first ministerial-level supervision and inspection in 2022.

In April this year, the Emergency Management Department deployed a special inspection on the safety of enterprises with major hazardous sources of hazardous chemicals in four stages: enterprise self-inspection, city-level cross-inspection, provincial-level random inspection and ministerial-level supervision and inspection. This ministerial-level supervision and inspection will conduct on-site inspections of the work conditions of each province, and conduct in-depth investigations into chemical parks and major hazardous source enterprises to ensure that hidden problems are thoroughly investigated. At the same time, it deeply learned the lessons of typical accidents such as Sinopec Maoming Petrochemical “6.8” fire, Gansu Binnong Science and Technology “6.16” explosion, Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical “6.18” fire and explosion, and focused on inspection of major hazard source liquefied hydrocarbon storage tank areas , old installations and facilities, chemical industry transfer and other safety risk prevention and control and hidden danger investigation and governance, urge and guide localities and relevant enterprises to draw inferences from one case to another, and effectively manage and control major safety risks.

This ministerial-level supervision and inspection is an important measure to urge the implementation of the 15 hard work safety measures of the State Council Safety Committee and the deployment of the national safety production inspection. The major hidden dangers and outstanding problems found will be reported and exposed, and enterprises will be urged to Ensuring a closed loop of rectification; serious investigation and punishment of found violations of laws and regulations in accordance with the law.

During the supervision and inspection period, the working group will also conduct an on-site assessment of the centralized management of hazardous chemical safety risks, promote the accelerated implementation of annual key tasks such as centralized management, form a joint force, ensure effective results, and resolutely curb major accidents and major accidents. Accidents affected by the party have created a good safety environment for the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.
