
Coatings companies meet environmental protection “blocking” again

At present, the two national environmental protection standards “Coatings, inks and adhesives industrial air pollutant emission standards” and “Volatile Organic Compounds Unorganized Emission Control Standards” are being disclosed to the whole society For comments, the Ministry of Environmental Protection requires relevant companies to provide feedback before May 25, 2017.
On May 16, the relevant person in charge of the Coating Industry Association of China used “exploded the pot” to describe the coating industryReaction to this news.
The list of air pollutant emission standards for soliciting opinions this time includes relevant units such as the China Coatings Industry Association, as well as 56 companies including BASF Shanghai Coatings and Shandong Lehua Paint Co., Ltd.Paint companies. According to the air pollutant emission standards, new enterprises will implement the air pollutant emission limits specified in Table 1 from July 1, 2017, and existing enterprises from January 1, 2019; enterprises or production facilities in key areas will implement Table 2 specifies the special emission limits of air pollutants.
The preparation of the air pollutant emission standard stated: “After the implementation of the standard, the investment of the enterprise will account for about 1/3 to 1/2 of the annual profit, and the operating cost will only account for about 1/10 of the profit. Therefore, the enterprise should be affordable. “The preparation instructions also analyzed the environmental and social benefits after the implementation of the standard: “From the point of view of the standard value, after the implementation of the standard, benzene has become stricter by more than 90%, xylene + toluene has been stricter by more than 70%, and NMHC ( Non-methane total hydrocarbons) have been tightened by nearly 60%. After the implementation of this standard, the VOC emission reduction rate of coatings, inks and adhesives manufacturers is expected to reach more than 40%.”
“For coating companies, this time I’m afraid it’s really going to be a big reshuffle.” said Liu Baosheng, president of the Shandong Society of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Paint companies that are not environmentally friendly and have not entered the park think that they have passed the environmental protection barrier by chance and can continue to survive, but they did not expect a new round of environmental protection storms to come so fast and so violently. Further improvement of emission standards will undoubtedly make coating companies environmentally friendly The string of emission reduction has become tighter, urging enterprises to carry out emission reduction in terms of technology and management.”
Shen Xiaozhong, vice chairman of Shandong Lehua Paint Industry Group, believes that the introduction of air pollutant emission standards is a double-edged sword, but it should be a good thing for the coating industry in general. It shows that under the situation of increasingly strict environmental protection requirements, it is a general trend to eliminate coating companies that have no scale and environmental advantages and have been developing in the field of low-end oil paints. The introduction of standards will guide these companies to accelerate their transfer and upgrade. At the same time, standards will also force manufacturers and end consumer users in the coating industry to develop green and environmentally friendly water-based coatings as the ultimate Target.
There are also coating companies that are in favor of further tightening of emission standards. Shandong Benteng Paint Co., Ltd., which retreated from the city to the park in 2015 and has a production line of 500,000 tons of water-based paint, is one of them. The general manager of the company, Gu Shigang, believes that this is a good thing to promote the long-term development of the coatings industry. If we want to better develop water-based coatings, we must eliminate those coating companies that are not standardized and environmentally friendly in production. The time for the coating industry to reshuffle. Has arrived, this should be a development opportunity for the coating companies that have reached the standard.
